Miroslav “Bata” Marćetić was a leading performer, soloist and choreographer, with the Serbian National Folk Ensemble “Kolo” in Belgrade, Serbia for seventeen years and is the recipient of numerous awards for his artistic work.
Miroslav created a great number of choreographies, which have won either first or second prizes in competitions, both in Former Yugoslavia and in Canada. Under his artistic direction, many ensembles have won artistic awards.
In 2004 in Toronto, ON, Miroslav established his own dance school, “Academy of Serbian Folk Dancing Association” which consists of more than 450 dancers of all ages and a folk band. He simultaneously works with the international folk dance community where he teaches Serbian and East-European dances. He has presented workshops in former Yugoslavia, Japan, Israel, Brazil and Taiwan in addition to the US and Canada.
Miroslav Bata Marcetic has devoted his entire professional career to the preservation and perpetuation of folklore and dance. His contribution to the Canadian Serbian folklore community is immeasurable.
Email: bata@marcetic.com