Meet The Bands

Sans Frontieres


Sans Frontières enthusiastically returns to the Laguna Festival, having had its premier festival performance at the Laguna Festival 2020.  Sans Frontières has a wide-ranging repertoire, tackling pieces that are widely danced, but not typically performed by IFD bands.  Their repertoire consists of relatively recent music that evolved from, and celebrates, ethnic heritage, but expresses that heritage in modern-day musical conventions – Music from anywhere in the world that’s popular for dance all around the world.  Attendees will enjoy music from Greece, Romania, Ukraine, the Mediterranean, the Americas, and other locales in their sets. 


Veselba – (means jolly, or happy and cheerful), has been together for some 20 years. The band plays the more traditional folk dance music from both Bulgaria and Macedonia, using such instruments as: Tambura, Gajda, Kaval, Accordion, Tapan, Darabouka and Dajre. In addition, we also perform vocals (women’s and men’s) from Bulgaria and Macedonia. The band has 7 members (five musicians and two vocalists) and plays for the local Folkdance community and at dance festivals.

The members of Veselba are:

Norm Rosen:

Linda Levin (on leave):
Vocals, Tambura and Dajre

Joan Hantman:

Deborah Walker:

David Hernston:
Gajda, Tambura and Vocals

Ian Price:
Tapan, Darabouka, Dajre and Vocals

Kathie Allen:
Accordion, Tambura, Vocals

Marko Danilovski:
Kaval, Clarinet, Saxophone


Café Aman, FDC in San Diego, BalkanFest at Pomona College, Veselo Selo, Narodni Dancers, Cal Tech Dancers, Queen Mary, Laguna Festival



Tzidia is a San Diego-based band made up of friends who previously performed together with the groups Trio Zheni, Eastern Exposure, and Dromia. Our name reflects these earlier associations. We play folk dance music primarily from the Balkans and surrounding areas, plus Scandinavia. We are: Marie Hayes (vocals), Paul Johnson (violin), Mary Marshall (percussion), Mary Ann Downs Tanaka (vocals and tambura), and Dan Ziagos (accordion).



Kriss Larson formed the Interfolk Band in 1983, first playing at Veselo at their venue in Anaheim. From the beginning, the plan was to not be too specialized, and play across the broad range of Euro-American folk dance traditions.

Besides Balkan, we have been extensively involved in Scandinavian dancing, including performing at Finnish festivals. In addition, we have done German, English Country, Polish, and Contra Dance, and even early Californio rancho dancing. Playing for dancers is different than a listening audience, and we all particularly enjoy that experience.



ZIMZALA is an international folk dance band dedicated to playing the music to international folk dancers’ favorite international dances, keeping the music infectiously danceable while putting our own unique twist on the music, playing often with humor and always with enthusiasm! We can come with our own sound and lighting equipment … and we can always do a quick teach on any dances you might not know!

Bob Altman:
keyboards and vocals (rdaltmann@gmail.com714-313-2933)

Lee Otterholt:
vocals and mandolin (leeotterholt@yahoo.com949-933-6294)

Marcella Lawson:
vocals, guitar, ukulele and flute

Lisa Taylor:
vocals, guitar, ukulele

Errol Strelnikof:

Sable Cantus:
bass and vocals

Our Location

Check us out on Google Maps

24112 Moulton Pkwy
Laguna Woods CA 92637 USA

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